...Lt. Delacruz has taken command of a battle hardened tank platoon midway through its tour of Afghanistan. Ready to prove himself in combat, he has found it a more daunting task to prove himself to his men. Stranded on the field of battle and cut off from all support, Delacruz learns the tank he rides is in fact a blood drinking beast. Tormented by his own conscious and the powerful defense contractors that own the tank, Delacruz is forced to inflict horrors on the Afghan people, whether they are Taliban or not, just to ensure the survival of his crew. It is a race to the finish and a dance with the devil as Delacruz must choose between death or damnation as he battles to become the commander of the vampire tank.
J. Christopher Corey was born and grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Florida State University. After more than sixteen years of service with the United States Army, he was discharged after being injured in a training accident. The Vampire Tank is Corey’s first novel. He now resides in Tacoma, Washington with his wife and four children.
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